Spiritual Care and Counselling

Spiritual Care

Implementing and managing spiritual care and counselling programmes in public hospitals.

Trauma Counselling

Overseeing trauma counselling and debriefing services for patients, their families, and staff.

HIV/AIDS Support

Hosting a support network and counselling for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Children's Needs

Addressing the unique needs of children and their families in healthcare and training others to do the same.

Employee Assistance

Supporting hospital staff through special employee assistance services.

Volunteer and Community Engagement


Recruiting, screening, training, coordinating and mentoring volunteers to assist with various programmes.


Offering opportunities for students to do practical work, including an extensive volunteer programme for students with an honours degree in psychology.

Establishing Networks

Establishing networks to involve and empower communities to become part of the HospiVision mission.

Empowerment and Resource Distribution

Skills Training

Empowering people living with HIV/AIDS, chronic illness and disability through skills training and socio-economic development programmes 


Distributing donations (such as clothing, toiletries, & toys) to patients in need.

Public Outreach and Research

HospiVision Time

Presenting HospiVision Time, a weekly program on Radio Pulpit.


Conducting accredited training.

Scientific Research

Promoting high-quality scientific research on the link between spirituality and health.